DEI initiatives might inadvertently push for uniformity in values, marginalising those with differing beliefs and pressuring conformity without sensitivity.


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The Viewpoint Diversity Score shows that employees in Fortune 500 companies fear sharing their views

When DEI initiatives pressure employees to accept LGBTQ ideology, viewpoint diversity might suffer. The initial appeal of diversity and inclusion has been to promote diverse ideas and solutions that contribute to business performance.

However, the Viewpoint Diversity Score (VDS) shows that companies including the Fortune 500 have a culture where employees fear to voice different perspectives. Recent DEI initiatives might be counterproductive to its original aim.

The VDS questionnaire includes [1]:

  • Have you ever not shared an opinion regarding a social or political issue with a colleague or supervisor out of fear that your views could jeopardise your career or professional advancement?
  • Have you ever not shared a disagreement or concern you had regarding your company’s direction or a management decision with a colleague or supervisor out of fear that your views could jeopardise your career or professional advancement?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: My company is welcoming of new ideas and perspectives that challenge the status quo?

A work culture becomes less innovative when employees are fearful to share their disagreements and sharpen ideas. Employees will also feel that the company is not truly inclusive of their values, which may harm employee retention and overall satisfaction.

For Singapore to be truly innovative and inclusive, companies must include space for disagreements, and the appreciation of diverse viewpoints.

Viewpoint Diversity Score 2023 Overview

DEI is Going Sideways

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) has taken a wrong turn, with far reaching consequences.

Global Activist Pressure to Favour Certain Affinity Groups

Powerful activist groups and international organisations show partiality to certain identities and political viewpoints and demand companies to enforce political views in the workplace.

Foreign Governments Intervening in Local Affairs

Foreign governments may pressure their companies to adopt controversial DEI policies that undermine the host country’s cultural values.

Pressure to Conform to Homogenous Values

DEI efforts may create an expectation of uniformity in values, potentially marginalising individuals with differing beliefs. Instead of promoting viewpoint diversity, DEI might impose homogenous values upon employees.

Discrimination against Companies with Different Values by Harming Investability

Rating agencies conflate sustainability with other political causes when evaluating company ESG scores. Companies that do not adopt politically controversial ideologies might suffer in their sustainability ratings.

Contradictory Policies Marginalise the People DEI Originally Intended to Support

When DEI becomes conflated with controversial politics, the result backfires and erases years of progress. True inclusion must recognise definitions of identity groups to protect justice and fairness.

Misplaced Diversity Policies Harms Service Quality, Safety & Justice

When DEI policies supersede the competencies needed in the hiring process, not only does this look patronising, it compromises the work quality of critical services.

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